I stagger back into the house - which isn't that cool by the way - and put on the jug in anticipation of this highly recommended coffee. As I was looking at the mango tree, thinking about making some mango chutney, I realise that Slobs has been MIA for quite a while. I'm not cat expert but I think that it is normal for them to disappear for hours so I wasn't too concerned but I thought I'd call him anyway. In reply I could hear this faint 'meow' in the direction of the backyard. I go to investigate and there is the silly cat stuck up on the fence. Normally this would not be a problem but our fence is not of the white picket type, it consists of an 18 foot cement wall, topped by coils of barbed wire (very pretty!) and slobs had managed to climb up it (using the tree I imagine) but could not get down, he looked pathetic. Unfortunately I have never been much of a tree climber and after a few pitiful attempts I gave up, I needed a new plan.
Thankfully the men
who had been fixing our roof had left a (fairly sturdy) ladder lying around. So, placing it against the fence I gingerly climbed up to coax Slobs into my arms. It didn't go exactly to plan. Halfway up I remembered the giant tree pythons (we had just been to the museum and apparently there are quite a few) and then the ladder started to wobble and I realised that if I fell nobody would save me. I think Slobs must have guessed my uncertainty because he did not trust me and was very hesitant to let me hold him. However, we finally made it down, with Slobs wriggling in my arms and me trying not to kill us both. I defiantly needed a cup of coffee (which Slobs then tried to drink). As I was making it the water filter starting making a very strange clunkling noise - I decided to ignore it. The coffee was delicious!
Well I'm off to make some chutney.
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