A couple of months ago I started a volunteer project with World Wildlife Fund. The director was a little vague on exactly what it is he wanted me to do (something about dolphins, turtles, education, fishing etc.) so I have decided to (attempt) a project to increase marine education in the fishing villages along the coast. It's actually pretty exciting because I am designing and organising the program myself which is something they would never let a random volunteer do in large WWF offices. So with the help of a local ranger and a very good artist, I organised some classes with school kids to increase the marine awareness (or "sensitize" as they say here) in schools. Despite living at the beach very few people - adults and children - know much about the complexity of a marine environment or the role that different animals play in the ecosystem. I was a little nervous about how the kids would respond to the classes but they seemed to really enjoy the games, did pretty well on the homework I set and with the help of Njogu (the artist) they drew some really wonderful pictures of different marine species.
So this is just a short blog to let you know what I've been doing but I PROMISE to write a more detailed one very soon!
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